Palm Harbor Women's counseling

As a woman, you have the right to dignity, autonomy, and security. Unfortunately, some men resort to abusing women to assert their dominance. Moreover, abuse is not limited to sexual or physical abuse. Verbal insults, and constant yelling and badgering are also considered abuse under the law. Dr. Gurvitz has helped women overcome their problems in by providing one-on-one, compassionate, and nonjudgmental counseling, safety planning and service referrals. Below, are just some of the issues I have dealt with that pertain to women’s counseling:

Assertiveness and Self-Esteem

If you are suffering from lack of assertiveness in your life and need help taking command and being proactive Dr. Gurvitz can help you significantly improve your personal effectiveness. Furthermore, Dr. Gurvitz has helped women enhance their self-esteem and self-worth in an empowering, yet pragmatic manner.

Co-dependent Relationships

A co-dependent relationship is a relationship that involves dysfunctional over involvement in a loved one’s problems that hinders one’s well-being. Dr. Gurvitz can help you regain your self-confidence, self-esteem, and independence or help you end a co-dependent relationship in a safe and calm manner.

Nutrition counseling

Dr. Gurvitz provides, one-one-one, personalized nutrition counseling that will identify weight and health issues and help you attain optimal health and lifestyle goals, without having to compromise choice and pleasure.

Sexual Abuse Treatment

If you have been a victim of sexual abuse and need help moving on and dealing with your feelings of betrayal and violation, then Dr. Gurvitz can help by teaching strategies for dealing the trauma.